5 Tech Facts So Weird They’ll Blow Your Circuits (But Are Totally True)

Despite the numerous technological advancements, the reality is sometimes much different from what it seems. So strap on your helmet as we are going to explore five tech facts about the odd world of technology that will make you feel like we have unknowingly wandered into a hallucination.

1. The First Computer Bug Wasn’t a Software glitch; It Was a Literal Bug

The massive ENIAC computer, which could calculate ballistics tables faster than a speeding bullet, was the work of Harvard scientists in 1947. The gadget failed one day. When they hurried to establish the cause, they stumbled upon this strange occurrence: there was an actual moth trapped somewhere in this room-sized system. This first computer failure was not due to a programming mistake but to the kamikaze mission moth. Ever since then, there has been a running joke whereby any unanticipated issues are referred to as “bugs.” So, if your computer malfunctions the next time, just picture an insignificant insect with suicidal instincts causing chaos right on top of your main board.

2. Your Fridge Might Be Spying on You… Kind Of

Despite being conscious of our phones monitoring us constantly (thanks to custom-made promotions), did you know that even our fridges may be watching us? Certain refrigerators are equipped with cameras that help track our foodstuff. Doesn’t that sound useful to you? There are certain devices that will allow you to also share cooking ideas depending on what you have around. Next time it is 3 am and you want ice cream but you cannot find any so you raid the freezer instead, your fridge might be indirectly blaming you (or sending you instructions for making a nutritious smoothie).

3. We Launched a Pizza to Mars (and It Might Still Be Edible!)

In 2018, Mars was visited by a commercial space exploration corporation. Among others, scientific instruments were installed on it—magnetometers, seismometers, and other ordinary probe space gear. Additionally, there was to be a piece of pepperoni pizza. Initially, the idea was conceived as a joke by an unnamed employee after reading about Carl Sagan’s suggestion to send Mars. The pizza was not made for the harsh Martian environment, but some scientists think its container could still be there. And that’s how there can be a pepperoni pizza hurtling through outer space, perpetually honoring humans’ infatuation with greasy cheesy edibles (as well as a pessimistic aspect).

4. There’s a Website You Can Virtually Visit the First Ever Webpage

Do you remember the times when internet connections were slow and images appeared blurry? You may probably like to take a trip down memory lane (or maybe feel terrified) by visiting the very first web page ever created in the world! Created by Tim Berners-Lee back in 1991, it is quite simple; with only black text set out against its white background that tells about what the site does.It’s a far cry from the fancy webpages we see today, but it’s a look at the teenage years of the web. Better brace yourself for the retro technology (and maybe a good dose of eye strain).

5. There’s a Robot That Can Make Sushi So good; It human chefs

Lastly, on the 5 tech facts, In 2019, a robot chef by name Sushi Robot, locked horns with a group of adept chefs in the art of sushi-making as she challenged them to a sushi-making competition. And what was the outcome? This robot carried the day. One would think that only an expert hand had prepared such delicious and perfect sushi (just look at each grain of rice, it’s put properly!). And she won by being more perfect mechanically and paying attention to every detail during preparation.Many weep over the likelihood of an absence of personal touch in the field of craft but for others it is imperative to note that, it portraying upcoming times; robots making Michelin-star recipes with us resting in enjoying the wonderful outcomes. There will be no robot cooks in food preparing funnies or another warm “Irasshaimase!” when you walk into the hotel.

And that’s that! The tech world is full of unexpected things, at times serious and at others outright bizarre; but all in all, it is a voyage of discovery without end, that comes with bizarre experiences involving moths, pizza on the red planet or even robots which cook up sushi.

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